Meet Collect Pickups

Collect Pickups is a small creative shop that turns fandom into fine art, co-founded by two collectors as a way to share their passions with their newborn son.

They both remember growing up in an era where being labeled a “nerd” was not a compliment, and quickly realized that was a feeling they never wanted their child (or anyone) to have.

By starting Collect Pickups, they aim to be active contributors to positive change. This company is not just an art project, it’s a community—one that is accepting, jubilant, and unabashedly nerdy.

*Top image is the Collect Pickups gaming setup, right image is the Collect Pickups team at Anime Expo 2023, cosplaying Spy X Family!

collect pickups family

Co-Founder #2

Kirby figures
  • Nerd Fact: Kirby's play time of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is almost 700hrs
  • Playing: Tomb Raider Remastered, Xbox Series X
  • Watching: Undead Unluck, Hulu
  • Reading: Delicious in Dungeon (fan translation finished!)

Co-Founder #1

noel headshot 3
  • Nerd Fact: Noel was one of the top players for Doom Eternal (temporarily)
  • Playing: Pokémon Scarlet, Nintendo Switch
  • Watching: Demon Slayer, Hulu
  • Reading: House of M, Marvel Omnibus

Co-Founder #3

Damien Gamer
  • Nerd Fact: Damien's first cosplay was Anya from Spy X Family at Anime Expo 2022
  • Playing: Mortal Kombat, Arcade1UP
  • Watching: Trash Truck, Netflix
  • Reading: Dune by Frank Herbert (read out loud by his parents)

Our Values

Dive into our storyline and discover the pillars that guide every artistic decision, community interaction, and heartfelt creation. Join our party as we turn fandom into fine art.

  • Genuine Passion & Craftsmanship

    Every creation at Collect Pickups is a tribute to a game, manga, book, anime, etc... we love. Crafted with precision, our pieces mirror our genuine passion. Got a fandom recommendation? Tell us! If it captures our hearts, it finds a place in our lineup.

  • Community & Open Dialogue

    More than art, we're forging a community where fans feel seen, heard, and celebrated. We thrive on open discussions, welcoming everyone's stories, dreams, and aspirations. Through events and ongoing dialogues, we celebrate it all, uniting under a banner of shared passions.

  • Legacy of Joyful Nerdiness

    Born from a wish to craft a joyful, nerdy legacy, every Collect Pickups item is a shared celebration. With each piece, we invite you to join in the joy of a vast world of fandom wonders, sending a piece of our heart your way.

Our Stories

Read about the imaginative world of our lead artist at Collect Pickups. Ever wondered about our origins and inspirations? Journey with us as she unravels the tapestry of passion, nostalgia, and dreams that gave birth to Collect Pickups.

Click here for an exclusive interview where art meets inspiration.

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