Our Fandoms
Video Games
Dead Space
Nerd Alert: K once attended a work Zoom meeting while wearing Isaac's helmet from Dead Space.
Death Stranding
Nerd Alert: The Collect Pickups family loved Death Stranding so much, they immediately went out and bought the books!
Nerd Alert: Did you know our founders once spent an entire weekend beating the relentless hordes of the Super Gore Nest Master Level in Doom Eternal, on Nightmare Difficulty? Once you've danced with two Marauders above a pool of toxic sludge, believe us, the rest feels like a walk in the park...
God of War
Nerd Alert: K has been playing the God of War series alongside her mother since its original release in 2005, and boasts 100% completion on both God of War + God of War: Ragnarok.
Nerd Alert: The founders of Collect Pickups spent their first time hanging out playing Halo together, and never stopped. They still play co-op, beating one of the many Halo games together (usually Halo: Reach) at least once a year.
Hugo's House of Horrors
Nerd Alert: It took K ages the first time she played Hugo to figure out how to get past the dog.
Nerd Alert: K's favorite character in Super Smash Bros. is Kirby (I wonder why...).
Mortal Kombat
Nerd Alert: There is a Mortal Kombat arcade in the living room of Collect Pickups!
Nerd Alert: The first time K remembers seeing her parents pull an all-nighter was when they were playing Myst for the first time on their home computer (and on a school night, no less!).
Nerd Alert: K once worked as a part-time graphic designer at a branding firm that had a Pac-Man arcade as their lobby coffee table.
Silent Hill
Nerd Alert: Silent Hill was K's favorite video game series of all time for almost a decade (until she played Dead Space, now it is a solid #2). One of her first cosplays was as Lisa Garland, and she still tears up at that scene... You know the one.
Delicious in Dungeon
Nerd Alert: N is a fantastic cook, and while he doesn't know it yet, K is hoping he will try out some of the recipes from this hysterical manga (now anime)!
Junji Ito Collection
Nerd Alert: K used Uzumaki as inspiration for two art projects in college. One painting is still hanging in her parent's living room, the other she ended up giving it away to a friend (and she really wishes she kept it for herself!).
Kaiju No. 8
Nerd Alert: K bought the first volume of Kaiju No. 8 as a gift for N, but liked it so much she decided to keep it for herself, instead!
The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service
A Man & His Cat
Nerd Alert: Collect Pickups has 3 cats at home, 1 of them is just as fat as Fukumaru.
Nerd Alert: When the founders of Collect Pickups first started dating, N was not a fan of horror. After living in a house covered in skulls, he is now almost as enthusiastic about all things spooky (like Mieruko-Chan!) as his wife.
Nerd Alert: N has been playing/watching Pokémon since he was a boy, and just recently finished his collection of the entire first series of cards. He is currently working on a master set for Scarlet & Violet 151.
Shibuya Goldfish
Nerd Alert: Collect Pickups owns the entire Shibuya Goldfish manga collection (but is annoyed they are oversized).
Spy x Family
Nerd Alert: Spy Family was the first cosplay K, N, & D wore as a family!
The Summer Hikaru Died
Nerd Alert: K never had an interest in reading until she was introduced to the Goosebumps series as a little girl, and then she was obsessed. She once gave away her complete collection because she thought she was "too old" for them, and has been fanatically trying to recreate that collection ever since.
Star Wars
Nerd Alert: While D loves all things Star Wars—especially his Darth Vader Talking Clapper that turns the living room light off and on—nothing scares him more than his animatronic Grogu.