Mortal Rivals

Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero: A Collect Pickups Competition

You Chose Your Champion—Sub-Zero!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the epic clash between Mortal Kombat's fiercest rivals, Scorpion and Sub-Zero. 


Sub-Zero's FLAWLESS VICTORY coming soon. Stay tuned!


Sub-Zero masters the power of ice and cold to confront his enemies and uphold the honor of the Lin Kuei clan.


Represented by Collect Pickups Co-Founder (and winner), N.


Scorpion, a vengeful specter and skilled ninja, channels his supernatural abilities to avenge his family and clan.


Represented by Collect Pickup's Co-Founder (and loser), K.

Eternal Consquences—Scorpion!

Watch Collect Pickups co-founder, K, admit her defeat on camera!

Why Are We Fighting?

It all started in a clash of fates wrapped in arcade nostalgia. The co-founders of Collect Pickups, K + N, both grew up playing Mortal Kombat. K, forever loyal to Scorpion, spent countless hours mastering fatalities in MK2 at the local arcade. Meanwhile, N hoarded quarters just to perfect his Sub-Zero moves in icy battles.


As fate would have it, these two die-hard fans tied the knot, only to discover they had married their greatest gaming rival. Their home is a battleground of competition, with Scorpion vs. Sub-Zero figures and a Mortal Kombat arcade in the living room—yet, the question of who is the ultimate champion remains unsolved.


That's where YOU come in. Help Collect Pickups settle this marital dispute once and for all. Choose your champion!

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